Conservatives concerned about inconsistencies in Republican Mitt Romney's record on gay marriage and abortion said Tuesday the Massachusetts governor has some explaining to do.
The Associated Press was "brushed aside" when they asked him to address the miraculous metamorphasis:
"Thanks, I have other people to talk to right now",
I'm fascinated by Kathryn Jean Lopez's willingness to cover up Romney's prochoice, antiCatholic tenure in Massachusetts with duplicitous sound bytes.
Kathryn, eager to give the appearance that prolife opposition comes from a 1994 statement, asks:
As you know, in recent days the Boston Globe and the New York Times, as well as the Boston newspaper, Bay Windows, have run pieces about your 1994 race against Ted Kennedy and your run for governor that appear to be in conflict with your current position against gay marriage. Are they?
But I have made clear since 2003, when the supreme court of Massachusetts redefined marriage by fiat, that my unwavering advocacy for traditional marriage stands side by side with a tolerance and respect for all Americans.
Mr. Romney fails to divulge the millions of dollars and support he has given to educational programs that indoctrinate children and teenagers into sinful lifestyles. Romney made a promise in 1994 to weaken the foundation of marriage ordained by God and spent 10 years executing that promise.
Like the vast majority of Americans, I’ve opposed same-sex marriage, but I’ve also opposed unjust discrimination against anyone, for racial or religious reasons, or for sexual preference. Americans are a tolerant, generous, and kind people. We all oppose bigotry and disparagement.
He opposes injustice, yet his record reflects using his executive office to direct Catholics give out emergency contraception in Catholic Hospitals, disavow their religion if they want to place Catholic children into adoptive homes and foster care of Catholics to preserve their heritage or shut down their adoption agency?
Marriage is first and foremost about nurturing and developing children. It’s unfortunate that those who choose to defend the institution of marriage are often demonized.
Demonized by the very people Romney had employed and deployed since 1994.
It seems at this stage of the game, Lopez and Maggie Gallagher are on a trajectory that parts from the conservative prolife movement. Even if Romney's 180 is genuine, at the end of the day, it's too little, too late, to be of any value politically for 2008.
Every day, there more websites and blogs that expose what see as Romney's duplicity.
Blog here.
Good exposure on Mitt and Kerry's flyer
More quotes on Mitt's Prochoice record.
"I don't want to get into a philosophical discussion of a federal law and a case that's been in the books for 30 years, and that is distracting from my agenda." He added, ''I oppose abortion, but I will maintain the laws as they exist in Massachusetts." Boston Globe, June 4, 2005.