This website is dedicated to helping Mitt Romney win the primary election for president in Illinois in 2008. If the United States government conducts business as usual over the next few decades, a national debt that is already $8.5 trillion could reach $46 trillion or more, adjusted for inflation. That's almost as much as the total net worth of every person in America - Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and those Google guys included. Mitt is the most experienced Budget Balancer.
Bill Gates and Warren Buffett folks who can buy Romney a lot of Armani suits, Bumble Bumble, cufflinks, the good old boy network in Washington and plenty of RNC people who were fighting against prolife under the radar.
Is Warren Buffett and Bill Gates paying for the new religious conversion of Mitt Romney?
Speaking of phonies looking for a gig, Peggy Noonan is getting desperate to get on board ANY BODY'S shtick for 2008. Has everyone seen her latest Have Mouth Will Fork Tongue Columns in the Wall Street Journal?
Last we left her, her column was stumping for Osama Obama.
Evidently, Obama didn't hire her, as yesterday's column was an overt invitation that she is for hire which went out to Chuck Hagel and of all people, John Kerry.
Peggy Noonan Getting Soft
Wide Awake Cafe
Radioactive Commie Zombies
Peggy Noonan is so wrong
I won't bore with linking the minutia...but couldn't help but link this one:
She defends the horrible CHuck Hagel in an piece. She uses his political duplicity as a laudable component. Maybe if we lived in a vacuum, Hagel couild be taken serious as a man of principal, but that we do not. Hagel is an opportunist like no other.
But so isn't she, my dearies.
I was a fan of Peggy's columns when she was obviously, we now can plainly see, working for the Reagan and Bushies who fell, like we did, for her journalistic opportunism to get hired as a mouthpiece.
Then, I met her.
It's an interesting phenomenon, being a nobody who finds herself in the company of people most of us only know when we spend a couple of dollars on a Wall Street Journal, the National Catholic Register, etc. I don't have the duty to pretend I don't see a phoney baloney, an opportunist, full of themselves blowhard, a coward, a headcase, a shiester, carpetbagger or, in the worst case, a slimy snake (which are few, thank God, but they ARE out there).
First time I met her was at a meeting in DC with orthodox Catholics to call Bishop Gregory and Cardinal McCormack to the carpet for giving credibility and authority to the Boisi Call to Action Crowd. I had every confidence going into that meeting that she was genuine. Suffice it to say, I left Reagan International with the conviction that she was not of our breed. A phoney. A drama queen on a stage executing an academy award performance.
She's one of those people who has been acting so long, you walk away from them with the tragic realization that everything real in their animus has been surpressed by the necessity to put on a gig 24/7 for power, money and fame.
Peggy's Hagel Hubris was trumped, as far as I'm concerned with how she ended this week's WSJ performance:
A note too on John Kerry, who, on the floor of the Senate, also talked about Iraq this week, and said he would not run for president. Clearly he saw the lipstick writing on the wall: This is the year of the woman. He also might have been acting on the sense that this is a time of ongoing and incipient political flux. The major parties seem as played out as they are ruthless, and the arc of political fame is truncated: nobodies become somebodies become has-beens before half the country knows their name. The Democrats have no idea what they stand for, the Republicans only remember what they stood for.
But there was Mr. Kerry, liberated by the death of a dream and for once quite human as he tried to tell it the way he actually saw it. Took the mock right out of me. Good for him, and for Mr. Hagel. I wonder if we are seeing the start of a new seriousness.
The year of the woman?
Another hero of the evening was John Kerry among the ruthless has-been nobodys giving witness to credible intellectual thought?
What the day of reckoning is actually about is so elusive to phony political hacks and the journalistic whoring, their foolishness lacks the entertaining grip it once had upon anyone who is genuinely involved on any side of anything.
They seem to be standing out now like sore thumbs.
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