I've been told by a Romney insider that after years of supporting Euthanasia, while preparing for the 2008 election,Romney had an epiphany while talking to Jack Kevorkian. As Kevorkian was explaining Euthanasia, a body bag went by.
"What's going on around this place", Romney said, "are people being killed by euthanasia??"
"And it struck me very powerfully at that point, that the euthanasia approach has so cheapened the value of human life that someone could think it's not a moral issue to kill sick and handicapped people, and I said to my chief of staff, and that's been 2 1/2 years ago, I said to her, 'I want to make it very clear that I'm pro-life. Call K-Lo and tell her that I'm completely against euthansia unless people are going to die anyway. "
Kevorkian has disputed Romney's recollection of the meeting with Romney.
"Gov. Romney has mischaracterized my position; we didn't discuss killing or anything related to it," Kevorkian said. "I explained my work to him, told him about my deeply held respect for life and explained that my work focuses on improving the lives of those suffering from debilitating diseases."
very funny . . . great job
Posted by: Robert Paine, Esq. | February 07, 2007 at 07:40 PM