Good hair, shameless lies
From Deal Hudson's blog:
According to the Boston Herald on December 9th, 2005, “Gov.
Mitt Romney abruptly ordered his administration to reverse course
yesterday and require Catholic hospitals to provide emergency
contraception medication to rape victims. In a turnaround that foes
derided as politically motivated, Romney directed his Department of
Public Health to scrap rules that exempted the Catholic institutions
from a new law governing the medicine.”
“I don’t say anything to Roman Catholic bishops. They can do whatever
the heck they want. Roman Catholic bishops are in a private
institution, a religion, and they can do whatever they want in a
Eyeon08 has more on Romney's Flip Flop on killing embryos to retrieve stem cells:
MODERATOR: And you won’t take any from these fertility clinics to use either?
ROMNEY: I’m happy to allow that to — or I shouldn’t say happy.It’s fine for that to be allowed, to be legal. I won’t use our government funds for that. Instead, I want our governments to be used on Dr. Hurlbut’s method, which is altered nuclear transfer.
However, he wrote in the Boston Globe (see my previous post), when he vetoed a stem-cell bill:
Some stem cells today are obtained from surplus embryos from in-vitro fertilization. I support that research, provided that those embryos are obtained after a rigorous parental consent process … Known as altered nuclear transfer, this method could allow researchers to obtain embryonic stem cells without the moral shortcut of cloning and destroying a human embryo.
A bill that includes methods such as these and bans all human cloning would receive my full support.
In other words, he said he would fund IVF leftover research. Now he won’t.
Romney quickly backtracked from saying he was "happy" about the legality of killing embryos for research, to saying it's fine. Dandy, so long as it's privately funded by the pagans privately and the "parents" of the unborn children consent.
I'll continue to repeat what is well-known and permanent by insiders: The religious right is not going to giddy up with Romney. He's finished.
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