Romney is having some trouble explaining his stand against pornography.
After the Virginia Tech shootings, Romney described violence as the fruit of pornography.
"Pornography and violence poison our music and movies and TV and video games. The Virginia Tech shooter, like the Columbine shooters before him, had drunk from this cesspool." “I am not pursuing an effort to try and stop adults from being able to
acquire or see things that I find objectionable; that’s their right.
But I do vehemently oppose practices or business procedures that will
allow kids to be exposed to obscenity,” the former Massachusetts
governor said.
That's consistent with the Romney we all know.
He's against public funding for abortions, but authors the health care plan that makes public funds for abortions available to anyone who wants one.
He was horrified to learn embryos are killed for embryonic stem cell harvesting and became prolife, but supports embryonic stem cell harvesting because he's looking for a cure for his wife.
He's been a hunter all his life and owns his own gun. Well, he's never pulled a permit for a gun and he's never actually owned a gun. He did shoot rats in the backyard twice in his life with somebody else's gun. Don't let his record in Massachusetts against guns get in the way of understanding his convictions.
He's a Mormon but doesn't read the Book of Mormon, he reads the Bible. It's the same thing, he says. I tell you, if it's the one thing Catholics can all find comfort in, it's the realization that Mormon Bishops are more screwed up than our own.
He's against abortion but doesn't believe it should be legally prohibited and refuses to call abortion murder. He thinks abortion can mean a number of things to a number of people and a one size fits all doesn't apply to abortion.
Abortion is not so offensive as to have a national prohibition. Gay marriage is. Don't let his record supporting gay marriage in Massachusetts stand in the way of understanding his convictions.
Jim Bopp and Mass Citizens for Life are tying their dogs to the roof of the cars and heading for Iowa to support their candidate. Don't let a little thing like Romney forcing Catholic Hospitals to give out abortifacients against their legally protected rights in Massachusetts get in the way of understanding how the last 20 years of morons playing Rope a Dope with politicians has resulted in the decay of the moral fabric and sanity in this country. Ten thousand dollars later, MCFL bought themselves a good case of Stockholm Syndrome.
These poor lambs!